Obladi oblada-Life goes on

Saturday, July 16, 2005


I was eating lunch and studying today at Fazoli's. A couple of tables away a woman came with her two sons and told them to wait there while she ordered the food. The two boys sat across the table from each other. A couple minutes later I could tell they were getting into some type of fight, but I didn't think much of it. A few more minutes and their mom came back. She sat down next to one of the boys. The other started to complain and the two boys were fighting again. Then their mom says, "Now you know it is his turn to sit next to me. It is only fair. I sat by you the other day at McDonalds and I promise I will sit next to you tomorrow for lunch." I got the biggest smile on my face. They had been fighting the entire time about who got to sit by their mom!! :) How cute.


  • At 9:10 AM, Blogger Danielle said…

    LOVED LOVED LOVED the cat site, Sarah! LOL..Thanks!


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