Obladi oblada-Life goes on

Friday, October 28, 2005

Class updates

Well, I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to my classes. Here's an update on how things are going.

Speech (MW 2:00-3:15):
I really feel like I am learning a lot about how to be an effective speaker. I just gave a speech Wednesday to persuade my audience that healthier foods should be served in school lunches. I was able to give the entire speech without looking at my notes. I knew the topic well enough, that I was able to talk about it freely. My next speech is November 7th. It has to be a speech in tribute. I decided to do something a little bit more fun than I am sure some of my classmates will choose. My speech (which is not written yet), is about Mr. Roger's (from PBS). I watched his show daily as a child and really enjoyed it. So, hopefully it will turn out to be fun for both me and my classmates.

Writing and Technology (MW 5:30-6:45):
We are currently reading Radical Evolution. I really like it. It is about the futures of technology. It focuses on three possible scenarios. The scenarios are called, Heaven, Hell and Prevail. We have been discussing these theories in class. I am also working on two papers. The first is just a short paper about a scenario (mine is the future of transportation in 2055). The second is a large paper (more than half our grade). It is an analytical report about the changes in safety features in cars. The first draft of the larger paper is due Nov. 7th.

Intro to Art (internet class):
Well, things are good with this class. The biggest reason is because I have given up watching the lectures. Our tests are online, so I can look things up in the book and google. I share a book with my friend Chris, so last test, I did over 1/2 my test just with google and then the rest with the book. I also went on a Nelson Aikens Art Museum tour with our teacher and a couple of the kids from the class. It was okay. It was interesting to see the art, but I didn't really learn anything that I didn't already know. Our teacher seemed a little nervous.

Society and Community Service (weekend class, last weekend Nov 5-6th):
I have 28.5 out of 30 hours of my internship done currently. I have been doing it with Westport Cooperative Services. I have been involved in multiple aspects of their program (foodshare, board meeting, meals-on-wheels, senior companion training). I have really enjoyed my time there. I am taking some pictures me in the meals-on-wheels portion for my report. I will post some when I am done taking all of them. I have been working and worrying about the paper for this class. It is due on Nov 6th. I think I have around 3/4 done now. Much work and revision left!

Patient Physician Society (T 5-7)
I have finished the Medical Decision part of the course. I really learned a lot about reading and interpreting studies. I think it was a great class. This week, we start the Public Health series of the course. Hopefully it will be interesting.

Clinic (M 8:30-1:30)
Going well. Learning lots and hopefully teaching my JP some too. She is doing a great job and will soon be ready to start seeing patients alone. Have had quite a few sweet patients recently that let me teach about them to my JP. Last Monday, I even had two other students come in to hear my patient's wheezes because they were so prominent. :) Flu shot session has begun too. We got a lecture on how to "sell" the shot on Monday. (Note: all of the patients we sell to need it. It seems our patient population is against because they think it will make them sick. ) On my next patient I tried the technique and Allison and I got him to agree. When I went to get the supplies from the nurse, she couldn't believe I had convinced him. She said they had talked about it for awhile and he never agreed. :)


  • At 2:10 PM, Blogger Danielle said…

    Hey, what is the trick to selling one? I think you should post about it because I am really curious. I tried the one my intern uses and it did NOT go well:

    "The flu shot is not to keep you from getting the flu, it is to keep you from DYING from it."

    Not good, man

  • At 2:10 PM, Blogger Danielle said…

    "You've Just Been Ghosted -- Come Over And Grab A Puking Pumpkin!"


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