Obladi oblada-Life goes on

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

No History of Rock and Roll for me....

Bummer news today for my future fall semester, I found out History of Rock and Roll doesn't count for my bachelor's. I am going to have to fill that spot in my schedule with another Humanities course. Right now it looks like I am going to have to take speech in order to keep my classes down to only two days. I am not looking forward to having to write speeches and perform them. My other choices include an advanced English class or Philosophy. The English classes seem like they would be difficult and time-intensive and philosophy seems strange. Both of those don't fit into my nice little schedule. Any thoughts??

Note to those unaware: I am finishing my bachelor's degree in the fall and have to take 12 hours. In theory, I will need to start studying for Step 1 of boards during the fall as well.


  • At 7:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Take the Speech class.

    I hated philosophy. With your strong religious beliefs, it would be challenging or at least annoying to you to have to discuss whether or not there is a God. And who wants to sit around, debating whether or not the chair you're sitting in is really there?

    As far as the advanced English class, some of those can be really intense- I enrolled for one and ended up dropping it after seeing the syllabus.

    Speech would be good for you. I took a speech class, and although I hated it at first, it did wonders for my public speaking skills. I'm sure at some point you'll have to speak in public. It really helps you identify your nervous tics, and learn how to look comfortable giving a speech. And I found it fun and challenging to write the speeches, however, I am in law school so I obviously enjoy research more so than others.

    :-) was that enough advice?


  • At 9:09 AM, Blogger Sarah said…

    Thanks for the comment. I think I will probably end up taking the Speech class.

  • At 9:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Sarah! Just letting you know that I can help if you need anything for speech. I think I had Schafer. Pretty easy. Just use your high school essays! :)


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