Obladi oblada-Life goes on

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I know I do not up-date my blog very often, so I will try to do a bit better.

Funny story from clinic yesterday.....

In my CUES class this semester they have been teaching us about communicating with patients about all sorts of topics and how understand them on an emotional level. Last week, we learned about LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) patients and the the week before about sex. One of the things that was brought up was the importance of asking the patients, "Are you sexually active with males, females or both?" So, anyways, yesterday after reading that my 71 year old patient had a gonnorhea and chylamdia screening last year, I decided she was a great candidate for my first full sexual history. I walked in the room and she was a cute little old African American female. We discussed what brought her in today, concerns for our meeting, etc. Then, it came time for social history.After the standard job, smoking, alcohol, and drugs, I asked the woman if she was sexually active. "Yes," she was sexually active. Then came time for the question. She looked at my dumbfounded, so I asked again. The second time she understood the questions and a very loud, "MEN," was exclaimed. Then she said, "Oh God! I thought at first maybe you were asking about girlfriends, you know, like the ones you go shopping with, but NO you meant sex. Yes, only men. I am a Christain women and God made a woman and man for a reason..........." Satisfied with my answer, I nodded several times and then moved to physical exam all the time the old woman continued to preach about how homosexuality was wrong. Oh Truman patients.....

P.S. If you were wondering, my experience with this lady didn't scare me away from asking at all.....it has probably encouraged me to ask more.


  • At 1:31 PM, Blogger Sarah said…

    I have decided to take the speech class. Hopefully it will help me become more comfortable with public speaking. Maybe I will also get to meet some non-med schoolers since I don't know anyone taking the class.

    Thanks for the insight about the sexual history. I have heard that lesbians are actually quite happy to have a doctor ask them an appropriate sexual history. I am glad my fellow med schoolers will get to see your point of view.

    The weather is nice here as well. It is acutally warmer here, then in Cocoa Beach where my parents are!

    Semester is over May 17th. I don't think I will go to the med school graduation since I only know a couple of students. I am, however, going to my friend Michelle's graduation on May 7th. She is graduating UMKC with a BA in Communications. Three year after graduating high school, she is graduating college, yeah Michelle!

    Back to studying for my test tomorrow!


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