Obladi oblada-Life goes on

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Pathology final tomorrow!! It was been quite the struggle to motivate myself to study today. As usual, I was doing great this morning and then the afternoon hit. I never like afternoon studying pre-test. Well, I have made it past the afternoon (though I think if I had been taped or something people would have been taking bets). I went to Panera for dinner to partially have really tasty food and partially to get out of the house. At Panera, I saw a two fellow classmates, Ashely Ryan studying and Lauren having dinner with Brian (her BF). It was nice to see them. Then, I came back here and once again began to aimlessly look at the computer screen and that pretty much brings you up to speed. Material covered tomorrow includes:
  • Liver tumors malignant and benign, gall bladder, exocrine pancreas
  • Endocrine lectures, lab and individual CPC
  • Peripheral Nerve & Skeletal muscle
  • CSF
  • Central Nervous System
  • Bones, Joints & Soft Tissue Tumors
  • Laboratory Testing for Viral Hepatitis and HIV
Well there you have it. If I can learn that, plus get a couple of the review questions correct, another step to becoming a doctor will be completed(well almost, we have to pass a Chairman's test for Pathology on May 17th)!

Up-date: I guess I learned it! I did quite well on the test (for me at least)!


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