Obladi oblada-Life goes on

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Four students have been selected as recipients of the
Sarah Morrison research awards for January 2007. Research
awards are given through the School of Medicine’s student
research program.
The students, their research proposals, and mentors
Sarah F MS 4, “Understanding the effect of the
neutrophil on Staphylococcus aureus beta lactam binding
sites through use of a neutrophil-like cell line HL-60,”
mentor: Betty Herndon;
Jessica G, MS 5, “Pleurodesis mechanisms: VEGF
and degree of toxicity among talc and doxycycline,”
mentor: Betty Herndon;
Hayley G, MS 4, “Multicolored Asian lady beetles
and their allergenic antigens,” mentor: Betty Herndon.
Sarah (that's me) MS 5, “Knowledge of reproductive
physiology and contraception in adolescent women,”
mentor: Patricia Kelly.
The award recipients are selected quarterly by a
committee chaired by Agostino Molteni, M.D., Ph.D.,
professor of pathology and director of student research.
“The quality of these four proposals was excellent,”
Dr. Molteni said. “Three of these proposals involve
basic research in the laboratory that offers an excellent
opportunity for translational research. The fourth proposal
is an extremely interesting project related to both medicine
and sociology.”

(Names have been changed)

Sunday, February 18, 2007

New post

I have been getting some complaints that I have not updated. Sorry. I have been a little busy! :)

New news: Got Engaged!!! Haven't officially set a date or location, but it will happen soon.

On my last two weeks of pediatrics. In the newborn nursery currently. It is a lot of paperwork, but it is also fun hanging out with the new babies. I start surgery in March/April and doubt it is going to be a tenth as fun as pediatrics.

Still confused about what I want to be. I have moved my ER rotation up to May so that I might be able to decide. After that, I hope I will be able to make a more informed decision. Any ideas?? I am open for suggestions. :)
Here's some pros and cons:

Family Medicine: pros: lots of different patient populations(Adults, Kids, OB), some procedures, can deliver babies; cons: not thought of highly in the medical field, residency programs don't look too exciting, one of lowest paid specialties

Pediatrics: pros: kids are fun and cuter than adults, laid back environment; cons: parents aren't always so fun, the lowest paid specialty, ear infections, fever and cough x3 days on almost every kid

Internal Medicine: pros: adults can tell you where it hurts, adults are easy to talk to and value your input (even if they don't follow it), more demand with the aging baby boomers; cons: old people aren't as cute, the triad: diabetes, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol

ER: pros: shift work without call, good pay, some excitement, procedures; cons: no continuity, lots of chronic pain med seekers, more competitive for residency selection